Rising Infertility Rates in the UAE: Understanding the Causes and Seeking Solutions

Infertility cases in the UAE are witnessing a dramatic surge as an increasing number of couples are seeking assistance from IVF clinics to overcome low sperm count and ovarian reserve problems. The rise in infertility is becoming a concerning health challenge in the Middle East, with studies indicating that 15 percent of men and women in the region face infertility, surpassing the global average of 10 percent. Factors such as vitamin D deficiency, obesity, smoking, drinking, poor diet, and delayed marriages contribute to this trend. Data shows that one in six couples in the UAE face challenges conceiving, and the national fertility rate has significantly dropped from 2.7 births per woman in 2000 to 1.5 births per woman in 2020. This article delves into the factors driving the increase in infertility and highlights the need for awareness and early intervention.

The Growing Infertility Challenge in the UAE: Infertility rates are on the rise in the UAE, and more couples are turning to IVF treatments for help. Luciano Nardo, CEO and Founder of NOW-fertility, highlights the increasing number of couples seeking fertility assistance. Studies by the World Health Organisation (WHO) reveal that over 17 percent of the global adult population deals with infertility, highlighting the magnitude of this health challenge.

Factors Contributing to Infertility: Several factors are driving the surge in infertility cases in the UAE. Luciano Nardo points out that inadequate sun exposure leading to vitamin D deficiency, obesity, smoking, drinking, poor diet, and late marriages are among the key contributors. These lifestyle factors, coupled with environmental and societal changes, have led to a decline in fertility rates. Data shows that one in six couples in the UAE struggle to conceive, and this trend is affecting the overall national fertility rate.

The Role of IVF Clinics in Addressing Infertility: IVF clinics in the UAE, like Dubai’s Orchid IVF Clinic, have seen a significant increase in the number of couples seeking fertility advice and treatment. Dr. Dimitrios Kafetzis, the clinic’s Medical Director, highlights various fertility issues, such as low sperm count, decreasing ovarian reserves, and polycystic ovaries, contributing to the decline in fertility rates. He also emphasizes a societal shift, with adults delaying starting families, prioritizing careers over parenthood.

The Importance of Early Parenthood and Health Awareness: Dr. Dimitrios Kafetzis stresses the significance of informing young people about the benefits of having children in their early 20s when the body is at its prime. Delayed parenthood can contribute to fertility issues and reduce the chances of successful conception. Moreover, he raises concerns about the harmful impacts of smoking and alcohol on egg and sperm quality. Another worrying trend is men suffering from infertility due to the use of hormones in gyms to enhance their physique.

Addressing the Infertility Challenge: To tackle the rising infertility challenge, there is a need for greater awareness and education among young adults about the importance of early parenthood and leading a healthy lifestyle. Couples should be made aware of the potential consequences of lifestyle choices such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption on fertility. Encouraging proactive fertility health check-ups can help identify potential issues early and provide couples with necessary support and guidance.

Conclusion: The UAE is witnessing a sharp increase in infertility cases, and more couples are seeking assistance from IVF clinics to overcome fertility challenges. A combination of lifestyle factors, delayed parenthood, and environmental changes are contributing to the decline in fertility rates. To address this issue, there is a crucial need for awareness campaigns to educate young adults about the benefits of early parenthood and the impact of lifestyle choices on fertility. Additionally, providing couples with access to fertility health check-ups and support can aid in addressing the rising infertility challenge and improving overall reproductive health in the country.

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