UAE edition of Microsoft Imagine Cup won by revolutionary street light system

A team of students from the Higher Colleges of Technology Madinat Zayed Campus in the UAE have been named winners of the UAE edition of the Microsoft Imagine Cup, a competition designed to encourage students to develop innovative solutions to societal problems. The competition, which is supported by the Khalifa Fund, a provider of funding solutions for projects that serve national economic interests, saw more than 230 entries from across the country.

The competition challenged entrants to develop proof-of-concept products and services in just a few weeks, with six finalists selected to present their ideas at the event. The finalists included teams from Khalifa University, UAE University, Zayed University, and the Higher Colleges of Technology Sharjah and Madinat Zayed Campus, as well as postgraduates.

Rahma Ahmed Al Mansoori and Reem Jasim Al Karbi were named the winners for their street lights model that uses piezoelectricity to generate energy. The system captures mechanical energy from traffic and vehicles crossing sensors embedded in the roads and converts it into electrical energy to power street lighting. Piezoelectricity is achieved through certain materials that can generate AC voltage when subjected to mechanical stress or vibrations.

“Energy from traffic will be gathered and collected to be stored in these batteries during the day, and used by the street lights at night,” said Ms Al Karbi. “The problem was how to generate energy from a busy street, and our solution provides sustainable energy. It could also be used to power traffic lights using clean and sustainable energy.”

Other submissions to the competition included a water leak alert system for farms and homes, a mobile application to support blood donors, and a wearable device to keep diabetics safe on the road. The entrants were challenged to find solutions in a variety of areas, centred on the Earth, education, health, and lifestyle. Submissions included solutions for climate change; agriculture and green tech; innovation in the way students learn; how to tackle issues in treatment, diagnosis, and accessibility; and lifestyle challenges such as how we game, play, and live.

A four-man team of students from Khalifa University, who juggled military service with their studies, presented their proposal of a system downloaded onto a smartphone that alerts emergency services in the event of a road accident.

The Microsoft Imagine Cup is a global competition designed to encourage and support young entrepreneurs and innovators. The competition challenges students to create innovative technology solutions that address some of the world’s most pressing issues, such as climate change, healthcare, and education. The winners of the UAE edition will go on to represent their country at the global finals of the competition, where they will compete against teams from around the world for a chance to win the top prize. The Microsoft Imagine Cup is an exciting competition that challenges students to come up with innovative solutions to societal problems. The winning street lights model that uses piezoelectricity to generate energy is a great example of how technology can be used to create sustainable solutions that benefit both society and the environment. It is encouraging to see young people being given the opportunity to showcase their talents and make a positive impact on the world. We look forward to seeing the winning team represent the UAE at the global finals of the competition.

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