UAE jobs trend: Why employees return to former employers

UAE jobs trend: Why employees return to former employers
UAE jobs trend: Why employees return to former employers

In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has seen a trend of employees returning to their former employers. This phenomenon is driven by a variety of factors, including the changing job market, advancements in technology, and the overall stability of the UAE economy.

Moreover, the practice of UAE employees returning to their previous employers – also known as boomerang employees – is fairly prevalent in the local job market for numerous reasons including a chance to renegotiate a better package, good relations with former colleagues and managers, and the potential of quicker promotion.

Recruitment and HR consultants say that boomerangs should be considered on case by case basis, and employees need to also carefully consider their decisions before going back to an old workplace as there are pros and cons involved for both parties.

The study said companies can’t afford to “forget” about talented employees in a competitive market who leave on good terms and who could be tempted to return if the opportunity arose. “That’s why many employers now have return programmes that allow them to keep in touch with their alumni and, if circumstances allow, re-hire them,” it said.

One of the key reasons that employees return to their former employers is due to the stability that these companies offer. The UAE is known for its strong economy and business-friendly environment, making it an attractive place for workers to return to. In addition, many employees find that they have a strong emotional connection to their former employers, often due to positive experiences they had while working there.

Another factor contributing to this trend is advancements in technology. The rise of remote work and flexible scheduling has made it easier for employees to return to their former employers, even if they are living in different parts of the world. This has opened up a new world of opportunities for workers, allowing them to maintain their careers while still enjoying the stability and comfort of working for a familiar company.

In addition to the stability and technological advancements, many employees return to their former employers because they feel that they have unfinished business. This can include wanting to work on a project that was never completed or wanting to build on their previous successes. For many employees, returning to their former employer is a way of getting closure and moving forward with their careers.

The trend of employees returning to their former employers is a positive development for the UAE job market. It demonstrates the strength and stability of the country’s economy, as well as the high level of job satisfaction among its workers. Companies can also benefit from this trend by attracting experienced employees who are familiar with their operations and culture, reducing the need for costly training programs and improving overall productivity.

The trend of employees returning to their former employers in the UAE is a testament to the stability and strength of the country’s economy. With advancements in technology and the ability to offer flexible work arrangements, employees are able to return to familiar and comfortable environments, allowing them to focus on their careers and personal goals.

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