The UAE is actively engaged in the Astana International Forum.

Minister Suhail bin Mohammed Faraj Faris Al Mazrouei, responsible for Energy and Industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is leading the UAE’s delegation at the Astana International Forum.
أستانا في 8 يونيو/ وام / تشارك دولة الإمارات بوفد برئاسة معالي سهيل بن محمد فرج فارس المزروعي وزير الطاقة والبنية التحتية في أعمال منتدى أستانا الدولي التي انطلقت اليوم في العاصمة الكازاخستانية أستانا برعاية الرئيس الكازاخي قاسم جومارت توكاييف وبحضور عدد من رؤساء الدول وبمشاركة أكثر من 1000 مشارك بهدف معالجة التحديات العالمية المتعلقة بالمناخ وندرة الغذاء وأمن الطاقة. وأكد الرئيس الكازاخستاني في كلمته الافتتاحية أن منتدى أستانا الدولي يعتبر منبرا لدول العالم لمناقشة وجهات نظرها ومواقفها بشأن القضايا المُلحة التي تواجهها وإيجاد حلول لها. وقال إن المنتدى يشكل منصة للحكومات والمنظمات الدولية للتشاور والتحاور للبحث عن طرق لمواجهة تحديات المناخ وندرة الغذاء وأمن الطاقة مشيرا إلى أن المنتدى يهدف إلى معالجة قضايا عالمية رئيسية وهي الأمن والاستدامة والطاقة والمناخ والاقتصاد والتمويل حيث تمثل هذه الركائز في صميم مهمة المنتدى المتمثلة في معالجة هذه التحديات من خلال التعاون لإيجاد حلول تساعد في ازدهار الشعوب. ومن المقرر أن يتضمن برنامج المنتدى الذي يستمر لمدة يومين في أستانا كلمات رئيسية لمسؤولين على مستوى دولي وجلسات نقاشية ومناقشات وفعاليات أخرى متنوعة. يذكر أن منتدى أستانا الدولي يعرف سابقا باسم “منتدى أستانا الاقتصادي” وتم تنظيمه من قبل حكومة كازاخستان لأول مرة في عام 2008 ويعكس تغيير الاسم النطاق الأوسع للموضوعات التي ستتم مناقشتها في منتدى أستانا الدولي هذا العام ويهدف إلى جذب أكبر عدد من الحضور والمشاركين من جميع أنحاء العالم. – منصور عامر -.

Minister Suhail bin Mohammed Faraj Faris Al Mazrouei, responsible for Energy and Industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is leading the UAE’s delegation at the Astana International Forum. The forum, which began today, is held under the patronage of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of Kazakhstan and has attracted over 1,000 participants, including heads of state.

Taking place on June 8-9, the Astana International Forum is an initiative of the Kazakh Government aimed at fostering international dialogue on pressing global challenges. The forum serves as a platform for distinguished delegates from governments, international organizations, businesses, and academia to engage in discussions and explore ways to address crucial issues such as climate change, food scarcity, and energy security.

In his keynote speech, President Tokayev emphasized the forum’s mission, stating, “The Astana International Forum is a dialogue platform with a mission: First, to candidly review the global situation; Second, to identify the leading challenges and crises that confront us; Third, to tackle those challenges through dialogue in a spirit of mutual cooperation; Fourth, to renew and rebuild a common culture of multilateralism; And Fifth, to amplify voices for peace, progress, and solidarity. This Forum explicitly promotes greater engagement at a time when we need it more than ever – a period of unprecedented geopolitical tension. For it to survive, the global system must work for everyone, promoting peace and prosperity for the many rather than for the few.”

President Tokayev emphasized the importance of coming together, engaging in honest discussions about problems, concerns, and hopes, and collectively addressing global issues. He underscored that only through such collaborative efforts can the international community shape a shared future and strive towards a more stable, equitable, and prosperous world for all.

At a time when the international community is experiencing increased polarization and geopolitical divisions, Kazakhstan aims to establish a new platform for dialogues that unites efforts in tackling key global challenges. The Astana International Forum serves as the space for high-level delegates from foreign governments, international organizations, businesses, and academic circles to engage in productive dialogues and seek viable solutions to pressing issues, including climate change, food shortages, and energy security.

Kazakhstan’s decision to launch this forum is significant, considering the growing polarization and geopolitical divisions witnessed globally. By establishing a platform for dialogue, Kazakhstan seeks to bridge differences and unite efforts in addressing critical issues that affect the entire international community.

The Astana International Forum aligns with the UAE’s vision for sustainable development and its commitment to global cooperation. Minister Al Mazrouei’s leadership of the UAE’s delegation reflects the country’s proactive stance in contributing to the discussions and sharing valuable insights from its own experiences.

The UAE, known for its forward-thinking initiatives, recognizes the importance of collaboration and collective action in finding solutions to pressing global challenges. By participating in the forum, the UAE reaffirms its commitment to the principles of multilateralism and its determination to work alongside other nations to build a more inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable world.

In addition to the UAE’s involvement, the presence of other heads of state and influential delegates from various sectors amplifies the significance of the Astana International Forum. The diversity of perspectives and expertise brought to the table enhances the potential for fruitful discussions and the development of innovative approaches to tackle complex issues.

The UAE’s participation in the Astana International Forum highlights the country’s commitment to global cooperation and its dedication to addressing shared challenges. Minister Al Mazrouei’s leadership of the UAE’s delegation underscores the nation’s active involvement in promoting dialogue and seeking innovative solutions that contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.

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