The producer of a Netflix series has reassured that AI in the UAE is currently unable to make emotional decisions.

Dupont acknowledged that perhaps AI could develop a vision and true personality in the future, but not at present.

The rapid development of technology has created a buzz in the entertainment industry, with discussions centered around whether AI (artificial intelligence) will take over the creative processes of filmmaking and television production. However, industry experts are confident that humans will continue to be the driving force behind creativity in these fields, as AI is not yet capable of making emotive choices.

Hervé Dupont, managing director of Fortiche, the producers of “Arcane: League of Legends” series, shared his insights during a masterclass at the Sharjah Animation Conference held on the sidelines of the 14th Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival. When asked if he was concerned about AI taking over creative processes, Dupont stated that he was not worried, as AI is not yet capable of making the choices that are crucial to the creative process.

Dupont believes that the sensitivity of human beings is crucial in deciding where the camera should be placed, what story should be told, and what emotions should be conveyed. He stated that he does not think that AI can make these choices at the moment. Dupont emphasized that films and television series are a reflection of the director’s and scriptwriter’s vision. If the vision is lacking, the end product will not stand out. Dupont acknowledged that perhaps AI could develop a vision and true personality in the future, but not at present.

Dupont spoke about the extensive time and effort that went into developing the characters for “Arcane: League of Legends.” The process involved multiple stages, from running the characters past designers to ensuring that they had all the necessary elements. All of this was done while developing the storyboard, script, and finishing everything in CGI (computer-generated images).

Another speaker at the Sharjah Animation Conference, Andrea Bozzetto, creative director of Studio Bozzetto, spoke about the power of animation. Bozzetto, whose studio was nominated for a 1991 Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, explained that animation can go anywhere and do anything. He stated that the beauty of animation is that it speaks a universal language, making it accessible to all cultures and people.

Bozzetto added that animation has an incredible ability to deliver a healing touch. He pointed out that Pixar’s animations are deeply touching and often evoke emotions that many classic films cannot. The power of animation lies in its ability to transport viewers to a different world and evoke powerful emotions.

In addition to the masterclasses, the Expo Centre Sharjah is hosting an entertaining action-musical titled Spirit of Forests. The three-member entourage, called Les Vagabondes, is composed of stilt walker Gwendal Louyer and musicians Luisa Pietrobon (flute) and Guillaume Liegeois (drums). They combine acrobatics and soulful music to bring ecological issues to life, all while wearing camouflage outfits with artificial leaves and accessories mirroring the colors of nature.

One of the highlights of the conference was the screening of “Arcane: League of Legends,” the highly acclaimed animated series produced by Fortiche. The series, which premiered on Netflix in 2021, has been praised for its stunning visuals and captivating storyline. The screening was followed by a Q&A session with Hervé Dupont, who provided insights into the making of the series and the challenges involved in producing it. The exhibition was a testament to the power of animation as a medium of artistic expression and storytelling.

In conclusion, the Sharjah Animation Conference provided valuable insights into the power of animation and the importance of human sensitivity in creative processes. While AI has the potential to play a role in the future of entertainment, it is clear that humans will remain the driving force behind creativity for the foreseeable future.

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