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8 posts

The Menopause Stigma: Aging or Losing Your Worth?

Childbirth, long considered a ‘private’ process, is a difficult one. Your body takes months, at times years, to recover from it. Yet, for those women who choose not to have children, it is something that is bypassed. It’s not the same with menopause: it’s something that will strike every single woman. But unlike menstruation, which has been ‘normalised’, no more sense of shame being stoked each time one goes to the pharmacy to pick up a packet of sanitary napkins, menopause — the cessation of periods — is still glossed over. Consequently, the physical, hormonal, and emotional challenges that women face are mostly not encouraged to be talking points.
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Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Biases Against Women in 2023

It can also discuss the progress that has been made towards gender equality and the challenges that still need to be overcome. Additionally, the article can provide actionable steps that individuals, organizations, and governments can take to address these biases and promote gender equality. It can also highlight the importance of intersectionality and ensuring that the voices of marginalized women are heard in the fight for gender equality.
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