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21 posts
UAE GDP to grow 4.3% in 2024

UAE GDP to grow 4.3% in 2024.

The UAE has experienced substantial economic growth. Government policies, investment levels, changes in global economic conditions, and a variety of other factors can all have an impact on GDP growth. It's also worth mentioning that economic forecasts are frequently subject to adjustment when new data becomes available, and actual results may differ from expectations.
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UAE's decision on 'tax residency' comes into effect.

UAE’s decide on ‘tax residency’.

The resolution clarifies certain rules set out for natural persons and legal persons residing in the Emirates. It lays down rules which determine as to when a person, whether natural or legal, may be considered as a tax resident in the UAE. The rules have been framed in consonance with internationally recognized standards and are set to come in force from March 1, 2023.
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