Sharjah Passes Baton to Algeria as Arab Capital of Sports and Culture 2023

In a symbolic ceremony, Sharjah officially transferred the title of Arab Capital of Sports and Culture 2023 to the Republic of Algeria, following the latter’s victory in the competition.
الشارقة في 9 يوليو/ وام/ سلمت الشارقة “جائزة عاصمة الثقافة الرياضية العربية” إلى معالي عبدالرحمن حماد وزير الرياضة الجزائري  بعد  فوز الجزائر بها  لعام 2023 . وتم تسليم الجائزة عبر  وفد مجلس الشارقة الرياضي ومثله  سعادة الدكتور عبدالله عبدالرحمن بن سلطان عضو مجلس الإدارة ومحمد علي بن حماد مدير إدارة الإتصال الحكومي.. كما تم تسليم علم الدورة للجزائر لتعقب إمارة الشارقة في الحصول على الجائزة التي يمنحها الاتحاد العربي للثقافة الرياضية. وجرت مراسم التسليم في الجزائر على هامش الدورة الرياضية العربية بحضور معالي وزير الشباب والرياضة المصري الدكتور أشرف صبحي واللواء أحمد ناصر رئيس الاتحادات العربية ورئيس اللجنة الفنية العليا للإشراف والمتابعة بدورة الألعاب العربية، كما قام الوفد بتسليم الوزير الجزائري درع المجلس تأكيدًا على العلاقات الرياضية المميزة. وأثنى الوزير عبدالرحمن حماد على تميز إمارة الشارقة في الحصول سابقًا على الجائزة الرفيعة بفضل رعاية واهتمام صاحب السمو الشيخ الدكتور سلطان بن محمد القاسمي عضو المجلس الأعلى حاكم الشارقة ، حيث تعد الشارقة منارة رياضية ثقافية عربية ولها مكانتها، وأشاد بالجهود التي تبذل على المستوى الرياضي والثقافي في الإمارة، مما جعلها ذات سمعة رائجة محليًا وخارجيًا. من جانبه أشاد معالي الدكتور أشرف صبحي بالدور الذي تلعبه إمارة الشارقة وتميزها في هذا الجانب وبجهود الإتحاد العربي للثقافة الرياضية في نشر الجائزة. من جهته هنأ  سعادة الدكتور عبدالله بن سلطان الوزير الجزائري  بالحصول على الجائزة للعام الحالي  .ِ
الشارقة في 9 يوليو/ وام/ سلمت الشارقة “جائزة عاصمة الثقافة الرياضية العربية” إلى معالي عبدالرحمن حماد وزير الرياضة الجزائري  بعد  فوز الجزائر بها  لعام 2023 . وتم تسليم الجائزة عبر  وفجهود الإتحاد العربي للثقافة الرياضية في نشر الجائزة. من جهته هنأ  سعادة الدكتور عبدالله بن سلطان الوزير الجزائري  بالحصول على الجائزة للعام الحالي  .ِ

In a symbolic ceremony, Sharjah officially transferred the title of Arab Capital of Sports and Culture 2023 to the Republic of Algeria, following the latter’s victory in the competition. Abdel Rahman Hammad, the Algerian Minister of Youth and Sports, graciously accepted the prestigious award on behalf of the Sharjah Sports Council delegation, which included Dr Abdullah Abdulrahman bin Sultan, a board member, and Mohammed Ali bin Hamad, the Director of the Government Communication Department.

During the event, Sharjah presented the tournament flag to Algeria, signifying the country’s acknowledgment by the Arab Union of Sports Culture and its designation as the new Arab Capital of Sports and Culture.

The handover ceremony, which took place on the sidelines of the Arab Sports Tournament in Algeria, was presided over by Dr Ashraf Sobhi, the Minister of Youth and Sports from Egypt, and Major General Ahmed Nasser, the President of Arab Associations and Chairman of the Supreme Technical Committee for Supervision and Monitoring of the Arab Games.

Expressing his gratitude, Minister Abdel Rahman Hammad lauded the Emirate of Sharjah for its previous recognition as the Arab Capital of Sports and Culture. He attributed Sharjah’s achievement to the unwavering support and active involvement of H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, the Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah. The minister emphasized that Sharjah’s status as an Arab cultural and sporting hub is well-deserved.

Furthermore, Minister Hammad commended Sharjah for its remarkable efforts in promoting sports and culture, acknowledging their significant contribution to enhancing the country’s image on the global stage. He highlighted the emirate’s continuous commitment to fostering sporting excellence and nurturing cultural activities, which have positively impacted the development of the nation.

The Arab Capital of Sports and Culture title holds great significance within the Arab world, recognizing the host city or country’s exceptional achievements in the realms of sports and culture. It serves as a testament to the region’s rich heritage, diverse traditions, and passion for athletic endeavors.

Sharjah’s reign as the Arab Capital of Sports and Culture has played a crucial role in advancing the emirate’s reputation as a leading cultural and sporting center. Under the visionary leadership of H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Sharjah has continuously promoted sports initiatives and cultural events that resonate with residents and visitors alike.

Sharjah’s commitment to sports and culture extends beyond hosting the Arab Capital of Sports and Culture, as the emirate regularly organizes a wide range of sporting events, including tournaments, championships, and community activities. These initiatives serve to inspire and engage individuals of all ages, fostering a spirit of unity, teamwork, and healthy competition.

As Algeria assumes the mantle of the Arab Capital of Sports and Culture for 2023, it embraces the responsibility of upholding the values and aspirations associated with this prestigious title. The designation provides an opportunity for Algeria to showcase its rich heritage, vibrant cultural scene, and passion for sports to a regional and international audience.

The handover ceremony signifies the strong bond and collaboration between Arab nations in celebrating the importance of sports and culture in society. It serves as a reminder of the power of sports and cultural activities in fostering social cohesion, promoting cross-cultural understanding, and nurturing national pride.

As Algeria takes center stage as the Arab Capital of Sports and Culture, the international community eagerly anticipates the diverse and dynamic program of sporting events and cultural festivities that will showcase the nation’s unique identity and contributions to the Arab world.

In conclusion, Sharjah’s formal handover of the Arab Capital of Sports and Culture 2023 title to Algeria marks a significant moment in the region’s celebration of sports and culture. Algeria’s selection reflects its dedication to promoting athletic excellence and cultural heritage. As the Arab world unites to embrace this prestigious designation, the exchange of the tournament flag symbolizes the continuous growth and development of the Arab sports and cultural landscape, fostering mutual respect and cooperation among nations.

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