SAMA reports that Saudi Arabia’s banks collectively recorded a 23% increase in profits to $1.98 billion in March.

The report highlights that the SAMA’s investments in foreign securities declined by more than 8% year-on-year in March to around SR1.02 trillion.

Saudi Arabia’s banking sector has reported a 23.2% surge in aggregate profits to $1.98 billion in March, according to a report from the Saudi Central Bank. The report also showed that the aggregate assets of banks operating in the Kingdom increased by 11.17% year-on-year to SR3.74 trillion in March, while combined deposits rose 11% to SR2.40 trillion. Loans given to private entities in the Kingdom rose over 10% year-on-year to SR2.35 trillion in March, indicating a growth in the non-oil private sector.

Financial services firm Al-Rajhi Capital commented that the growth numbers for Q1 2023 and quarterly earnings suggest that corporate-focused banks are benefiting from the higher rate environment. SAMA’s investments in foreign securities declined by more than 8% year-on-year in March to around SR1.02 trillion, while its deposits in banks abroad rose by 19.88% year-on-year to SR337.61 billion.

The growth in profits and assets of banks in Saudi Arabia is a promising sign for the Kingdom’s economy. It indicates that the non-oil private sector is growing and that the banking sector is strong and resilient. The rise in loans given to private entities in the Kingdom is especially noteworthy as it suggests that businesses are investing and expanding, which is crucial for achieving the goals of Vision 2030.

Vision 2030 is a comprehensive plan that aims to transform Saudi Arabia’s economy and society. The plan seeks to reduce the Kingdom’s reliance on oil revenues, diversify its economy, and create jobs for young Saudis. Achieving these objectives requires significant investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare, among other sectors. The banking sector plays a critical role in financing these investments and supporting the growth of the non-oil private sector.

The positive performance of Saudi banks in Q1 2023 bodes well for the rest of the year. With the global economy recovering from the pandemic and oil prices stabilizing, Saudi Arabia’s economic outlook is improving. The government’s commitment to diversification and private sector participation is also driving growth and innovation across various industries.

In conclusion, the rise in profits and assets of banks in Saudi Arabia is a testament to the strength and resilience of the Kingdom’s economy. It is an encouraging sign for investors and businesses looking to participate in the country’s economic transformation. With the government’s continued commitment to Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia is poised for sustained growth and development in the coming years.

The Saudi Arabian banking sector has been performing well in recent months, driven by the country’s efforts to diversify its economy away from oil and the increasing use of digital technologies. The government’s Vision 2030 plan, which aims to reduce the country’s dependence on oil, has prompted a renewed focus on non-oil sectors such as banking, finance, and technology.

The rise in profits in the banking sector is due in part to the growth of the non-oil private sector, as banks have been increasing lending to businesses in these sectors. In addition, higher interest rates have boosted banks’ net interest margins, resulting in higher profits.

The use of digital technologies has also played a significant role in the sector’s growth. Banks in Saudi Arabia have been adopting digital banking services to meet the changing needs of customers, particularly younger customers who are more likely to use mobile and online banking. This trend has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a shift towards digital channels as people have been forced to stay at home.

To support this trend, the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) has been encouraging the adoption of digital technologies by banks, including the use of mobile apps, online banking platforms, and contactless payment systems. The central bank has also been promoting the development of fintech startups and innovation in the banking sector.

Looking ahead, the Saudi Arabian banking sector is expected to continue its growth trajectory, driven by the ongoing implementation of Vision 2030 and the increasing adoption of digital technologies. As the country continues to diversify its economy, the banking sector is likely to play an increasingly important role in supporting economic growth and development.

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