Performance report for 2022 released by Emirates Metrology Institute

The Emirates Metrology Institute of the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) has reported that it conducted 622 calibration measurement services for both government and private sector clients across the country and region in 2022 in accordance with the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) database.
In its 2022 annual performance report, the QCC, the national reference entity for metrology in the UAE, revealed that it has been instrumental in expanding calibration services for measurement instruments, competency tests, inter-comparison programs, technical training in metrology, consultation, research and technical studies through its laboratories.
The Institute has also extended its services to GCC and Arab countries in the region to support Gulf standards by raising the efficiency of the metrological systems.
The annual report stated that the Institute received accreditation from the Emirates International Accreditation Centre (EIAC) in accordance with ISO 17025 in 2022, covering most of the calibration services it provides to its clients.
The Institute played a significant role in making the UAE the first country in the Gulf region to publish measurement and calibration capabilities on the BIPM database. This is considered the first step to facilitate the international acceptance of national industries.
Saeed Mohammed Al Muhairi, Executive Director of the Emirates Metrology Institute, noted that the Institute has made a positive and direct impact on various economic and vital sectors of the country, including the industrial sector, by reducing the cost and time taken for services, facilitating international acceptance of the UAE national industries and improving the country’s production capacity.
Al Muhairi added that the Institute is considered the reference laboratory in inter-comparison programs in calibration, thanks to its high accuracy of measurement standards and superior expertise. It is also recognized by the UAE National Accreditation System (ENAS) and the EIAC.
The Institute is self-sufficient for QCC in measurement and calibration services through its laboratories of mass, density, volume, flow, dimensions, angles, temperature, humidity, force, pressure, torque, electricity, time, frequency, and energy. This has benefited the Central Testing Laboratory units and consumer services such as legal metrology.
The Institute now represents the UAE in the Mutual Recognition Arrangement of national standards in the BIPM’s CIPM-MRA and in regional and international gatherings such as the Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP), the Gulf Metrology Association (GULFMET), the Joint Committee of the Regional Metrology Organisations and the BIPM (JCRB), and others.
In conclusion, the Emirates Metrology Institute has made a significant contribution to the development of metrological services in the UAE and the region. Its work in expanding calibration services, inter-comparison programs, and technical training in metrology has helped raise the efficiency of the metrological systems in the region and facilitated the international acceptance of national industries. The Institute’s self-sufficiency in measurement and calibration services has also benefited the Central Testing Laboratory units and consumer services such as legal metrology.