How winning the crown changed the life of Miss World 2022 Karolina Bielawska

What does the most beautiful woman in the world look like in 2023? As the definition of vanity changes with time, so does people’s perception about the woman with a crown on her head, and a sash across her body. But what intercepts the outward discernment is the reminder that behind the dazzling smiles, elegant strides and bejewelled gowns, lies a young girl with dreams and a woman adamant on making her mark. The second Polish woman to be crowned Miss World after 1989, Karolina Bielawska was crowned Miss World 2022 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. A television presenter, model, and beauty queen, Karolina went on to bag the title after her win at Miss Polonia 2019. Known for her humanitarian work back in her home country Poland, Karolina has contributed to causes of homelessness, breast cancer, and crises related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
On her first visit to the UAE, Karolina opens up about her experiences prior to winning the title, the weight and blessings of the crown, the challenges she faced as she prepared for the pageant during the unknown of the pandemic, and an insight into the human behind the beauty.
How did winning the crown change your life?
It changed my life completely, to be honest. I am so happy to be able to travel the world, to meet wonderful people, to do good. In every country we visit, our mission is to leave places a little bit better than we found them and I think that’s the biggest blessing, so every time I do something we look for a purpose. We serve people who need it, but we also have a lot of fun. It’s a beautiful journey.
You were preparing for the pageant right in the middle of the pandemic. How did that affect your preparation?
That is true; it was the middle of the pandemic so everyone was locked at home. However, it absolutely didn’t stop me with my purpose and journey. It was slightly more difficult, but in my main preparation, I really focused on my project in which I was and still am supporting people struggling with homelessness in my hometown. I remember one of the things that we were really focused on at that time was to provide them with vaccination because they often don’t have ID cards, and were not able to get to the hospital so that was one of the parts that was really challenging. But, you know, when we face challenges in life, we make ourselves stronger and I remember with my whole team, with all the volunteers united, I made many beautiful memories even though it was a tough time.
How has your experience been in the UAE?
Absolutely amazing. This is my first time here, we spent some time in Abu Dhabi, then we moved here to Dubai. They are two different places, which means double history and culture and it’s beautiful. Dubai is more lively, more modern, and more international, but I love them both, and I haven’t seen the UAE as much as I wish to. So, there is always a reason to come back.
What does a day in the life of Miss World look like?
I get this question very often. However, it’s impossible to answer that because every single day looks completely different. I never know what I am going to do, and with Miss World we always say, ‘expect the unexpected’. I go somewhere and we do something completely different than what I had in mind, so I am always prepared for everything. I remember we went to Lebanon and I packed my dresses and high heels. I was ready for the day and they came to me and asked “You are ready for climbing, right?”, and I was like not really, however, you always find a solution. You go with the flow. When you have nice people around you, it’s always very nice.

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