Dubai girl, 16, turns eco-entrepreneur at Emirates Airline Festival of Literature

Dubai girl, 16, turns eco-entrepreneur at Emirates Airline Festival of Literature
Dubai girl, 16, turns eco-entrepreneur at Emirates Airline Festival of Literature

A 16-year-old girl from Dubai has become an eco-entrepreneur at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature. She has taken this initiative to help raise awareness about environmental sustainability and the importance of preserving the planet for future generations. She is using her platform to promote eco-friendly products and encourage others to adopt environmentally conscious lifestyles.

Himakshi Shastri, a student of Dubai College, has founded ‘Sustainery’ to promote the use of sustainable stationery items among students and professionals. A passionate environmentalist, Himakshi said Sustainery is her new venture into the climate movement. “I firmly believe that small sustainable acts, when multiplied, can transform the world,” she added.

As everybody knows that Dubai is known for its modern and luxurious lifestyle, but a 16-year-old girl is taking a stand to ensure that this way of life is not at the expense of the environment. The girl has turned into an eco-entrepreneur at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, where she is using her platform to raise awareness about the importance of preserving the planet.

As an eco-entrepreneur, this young girl is promoting environmentally friendly products and encouraging others to adopt sustainable lifestyles. She believes that small changes can make a big difference and that everyone has a role to play in creating a greener future.

At the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature, the young eco-entrepreneur is showcasing her products and spreading the message of environmental protection. She is making use of this opportunity to reach out to a large audience and educate them about the negative impact of human activities on the environment.

The young founder of Sustainery is on a mission to reduce waste and promote sustainable living. She believes that small changes, such as using eco-friendly stationery, can make a big impact in preserving the environment.

Sustainery has received a positive response from the community, with many customers praising the company for its commitment to sustainability. The company’s products are not only environmentally friendly but also high quality and stylish, making them a popular choice among consumers.

I wanted the sustainable products to be affordable and trendy. When using our products, I want our consumers to feel uplifted and fashionable. We want sustainable options to be the new ‘cool at school’. We are selling these products through Magrudy’s,” she said.

The story of this young entrepreneur serves as an inspiration to others to take action and make a difference in their own communities. The world needs more people like her who are passionate about preserving the planet and promoting sustainable living. Through Sustainery, she is leading the way in promoting sustainable business practices and encouraging others to join her in her mission.

The girl’s eco-initiative has already garnered a lot of attention and support from both local and international communities. She has inspired others to join the movement and make a positive impact on the environment.

The story of this young eco-entrepreneur serves as an inspiration to everyone, especially the youth, to take action and make a difference in their communities. The world needs more people like her who are passionate about preserving the planet for future generations.

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