DFM executes significant direct transactions involving 5 million shares of Gulf Navigation Holding, with a total value of AED 20 million.

Dubai Financial Market (DFM) made headlines today as it successfully conducted four significant Direct Deal Transactions (DDT) involving a total of 5 million shares of Gulf Navigation Holding PJSC.
دبي في 8 يونيو /وام/   شهد سوق دبي المالي، اليوم، تنفيذ 4 صفقات كبيرة مباشرة على أسهم شركة “الخليج للملاحة القابضة”.     ووفق بيانات سوق دبي، تم تنفيذ الصفقات على 5 ملايين سهم بقيمة 20 مليون درهم.     وأغلق سهم “الخليج للملاحة” في نهاية جلسة اليوم مرتفعاً بنسبة 8% عند مستوي 5.4 درهم بعد التداول على 13.6 مليون سهم بقيمة 72.6 مليون درهم من خلال 1166 صفقة.     والصفقات الكبيرة المباشرة هي صفقات يتم تنفيذها خارج سجل الأوامر ولا تؤثر على سعر إغلاق سهم الشركة المعنية ولا على مؤشر الأسعار، كما أنها لا تؤثر على أعلى وأدني سعر تم تنفيذه خلال الجلسة وخلال آخر 52 أسبوعا.  

Dubai Financial Market (DFM) made headlines today as it successfully conducted four significant Direct Deal Transactions (DDT) involving a total of 5 million shares of Gulf Navigation Holding PJSC. The total value of these transactions amounted to AED 20 million.

Following the transactions, Gulf Navigation Holding’s share price experienced an impressive 8 percent increase, closing at AED 5.4. The heightened activity in the market resulted in a total trading volume of over 13.6 million shares, valued at AED 72.6 million. These transactions were executed through 1,166 deals, reflecting the robust trading environment on the DFM.

The introduction of a new market procedure for Direct Deal Transactions (DDT) by the DFM on March 7th has played a crucial role in facilitating such significant transactions. DDTs are unique as they allow off-market transactions to take place outside the Order Book. These transactions are classified as block trades and provide an efficient avenue for large-scale share transfers.

The successful execution of the Direct Deal Transactions involving Gulf Navigation Holding highlights the DFM’s commitment to providing diverse and innovative services to market participants. This further strengthens the market’s position as a leading financial hub in the region.

Gulf Navigation Holding is a prominent company in the maritime industry, offering a wide range of services such as shipping, ship management, and marine services. The significant interest in Gulf Navigation Holding’s shares demonstrates investors’ confidence in the company’s growth prospects and its ability to generate returns.

The positive market sentiment surrounding Gulf Navigation Holding was reflected in the substantial increase in its share price following the Direct Deal Transactions. Closing at AED 5.4, the company’s shares have seen a notable upward trajectory, highlighting investor optimism and market support.

The DFM has consistently introduced measures and initiatives to enhance market liquidity and facilitate efficient trading. The introduction of DDTs has provided investors with a streamlined mechanism to conduct large-scale transactions, enabling them to execute deals with greater ease and flexibility.

These Direct Deal Transactions are a testament to the market’s robustness and its ability to attract substantial trading volumes. The DFM’s commitment to fostering a dynamic and thriving trading environment has been instrumental in attracting both local and international investors to participate actively in the market.

The DFM remains dedicated to expanding its range of services and introducing innovative trading mechanisms that cater to the evolving needs of market participants. By embracing technological advancements and implementing market best practices, the DFM aims to maintain its position as a leading financial market in the region.

As the market continues to witness increased trading activity and the execution of significant transactions, market participants can look forward to a vibrant and liquid trading environment. The DFM’s proactive approach in introducing new market procedures and fostering investor confidence bodes well for the future growth and development of the financial market in Dubai.

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