Amr Kawashti: Crafting Trends and Business Triumphs with IN YOUR SHOE

In the dynamic landscape of Egyptian entrepreneurship, Amr Kawashti emerges as a trailblazer, reshaping the fashion industry with his startup, IN YOUR SHOE. At the age of 25, Amr has already navigated the complexities of starting a business and achieved remarkable success. His journey from engineering graduate to Co-founder and Managing Partner of a celebrated streetwear brand is a testament to his entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking.

Amr’s venture, IN YOUR SHOE, began as a colorful and unconventional sock brand in 2018. The idea struck Amr and his partner, Ezz Tarek, as they noticed the scarcity of such products in the Egyptian market. Leveraging their creative marketing strategies, they transformed colorful socks into a trend, catching the attention of consumers and establishing a unique niche.

Educationally trained as an engineer, Amr acknowledges that his technical background, although not extensively utilized, instilled problem-solving skills crucial for entrepreneurship. The decision to leave a stable engineering job for the unpredictable realm of entrepreneurship was fueled by Amr’s recognition of the untapped potential within the startup ecosystem.

One of the distinguishing factors in Amr’s entrepreneurial journey is his proactive approach to learning. During the early days of IN YOUR SHOE, he immersed himself in business articles, books, and sought advice from seasoned entrepreneurs. This thirst for knowledge and a willingness to reach out to mentors shaped his understanding of the business landscape.

The inception of IN YOUR SHOE wasn’t a mere coincidence; it was a result of careful planning and market analysis. Amr and Ezz conducted surveys to gauge the appeal of colorful socks, ensuring that their product resonated with potential customers. With only a page on Instagram showcasing seven sock designs, they started their business journey, gradually expanding to over 300 product variants.

What sets IN YOUR SHOE apart is not just its product but also its unique marketing approach. Amr emphasizes the importance of two-way communication in marketing, with Ezz handling content creation while he focuses on website management and marketing campaigns. The brand’s success lies in its ability to speak the language of its target audience—Gen Z and millennials.

Amr’s philosophy on success is rooted in continuous improvement and a forward-looking vision. While acknowledging the satisfaction derived from the journey so far, he sees their current achievements as merely 10% of their envisioned future. The commitment to growth and innovation is evident in IN YOUR SHOE’s expanding product lineup, including hats and pajamas, ensuring they stay fresh and relevant.

Expanding beyond Egypt, Amr envisions establishing IN YOUR SHOE as the main streetwear fashion destination in the MENA region. His strategic decision to focus on offline expansion, with two shops already in operation and plans for more, underscores the brand’s commitment to providing a physical presence alongside its digital footprint.

Amr Kawashti’s story is not just about selling colorful socks or trendy apparel; it’s a narrative of resilience, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of success. His words echo the sentiment that success is an ongoing journey, requiring constant vision and the eagerness to adapt to changing market dynamics. As IN YOUR SHOE continues to carve its path, Amr stands as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, proving that with the right mindset and dedication, startups can compete and thrive even in the face of established giants.

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