Saudi Arabia’s NDMC has successfully raised $6 billion through the issuance of Islamic bonds, also known as Sukuk.


Saudi Arabia’s National Debt Management Center (NDMC) has successfully raised $6 billion through the sale of Islamic bonds, known as sukuk, under its Global Trust Certificate Issuance Program. The issuance has received significant interest from investors, highlighting their confidence in the Saudi economy.

According to a statement released on Tuesday, the Kingdom sold a $3 billion six-year tranche of sukuk at a spread of 80 basis points over US Treasuries. Additionally, another $3 billion in 10-year notes were issued at a spread of 100 basis points over US Treasuries. The strong demand for the sukuk was evident as the order books for the deal surpassed $27 billion.

The bid-to-cover ratio, which measures the demand for the issuance compared to the amount offered, further demonstrates the strong investor appetite for Saudi Arabia’s offerings. The high bid-to-cover ratio indicates that the demand for the sukuk exceeded the available supply, highlighting the international investors’ confidence in the Saudi economy and its creditworthiness.

The successful sukuk issuance is a testament to the Kingdom’s ability to attract global investors and diversify its sources of financing. The proceeds from the sukuk sale will be used to support Saudi Arabia’s development projects and finance its budget deficit, contributing to the country’s economic growth and stability.

Islamic bonds, or sukuk, adhere to Shariah principles, making them an attractive investment option for Islamic investors seeking ethical and Shariah-compliant financial instruments. Saudi Arabia has been actively promoting Islamic finance as part of its efforts to develop its capital markets and attract a wider range of investors.

The strong demand for the Sukuk issuance reflects the growing interest in Islamic financial products globally. Islamic finance has witnessed significant growth in recent years, with investors recognizing its potential and seeking Shariah-compliant investment opportunities. Saudi Arabia’s successful Sukuk issuance positions the country as a prominent player in the Islamic finance market and strengthens its reputation as a leading financial hub in the region.

The Kingdom’s commitment to effective debt management and its ability to tap into international markets for financing are crucial elements in supporting its economic diversification goals. The successful Sukuk issuance demonstrates Saudi Arabia’s prudent fiscal policies and its efforts to attract foreign investment, which are key pillars of the Vision 2030 reform plan.

The raised funds will contribute to the financing of various development projects and help Saudi Arabia achieve its economic objectives, including the diversification of its economy and reduction of its dependence on oil. The proceeds will be used to support sectors such as infrastructure, healthcare, education, and technology, which are integral to the Kingdom’s long-term growth and sustainability.

As Saudi Arabia continues to implement its ambitious Vision 2030 plan, the successful sukuk issuance reinforces its commitment to fiscal discipline and effective debt management. By attracting international investors and diversifying its funding sources, the Kingdom is well-positioned to drive economic growth, create employment opportunities, and foster innovation in key sectors.

The Kingdom’s ability to raise $6 billion through the sukuk issuance underscores the international community’s confidence in Saudi Arabia’s economic prospects and NDMC commitment to financial transparency. It also highlights the growing recognition of Islamic finance as a viable and attractive investment avenue for global investors.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia’s NDMC’s successful issuance of $6 billion in sukuk under its Global Trust Certificate Issuance Program demonstrates strong investor demand and confidence in the Kingdom’s economy. The proceeds from the sukuk sale will support Saudi Arabia’s development projects and contribute to its economic diversification objectives. The successful issuance further solidifies Saudi Arabia’s position in the global Islamic finance market and underscores its commitment to effective debt management and fiscal discipline.

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