Every day, more than 50,000 cyberattacks targeting critical national sectors are prevented in the UAE.

The UAE has been a prime target for cyberattacks due to its advanced digital infrastructure and strategic importance.

Every day, the UAE thwarts more than 50,000 cyberattacks targeting the country’s critical national sectors. The Head of Cyber Security for the Government of the UAE, Mohammed Hamad Al Kuwaiti, stated that the UAE Cyber Security Council collaborates with its partners to deter the daily onslaught of cyberattacks. The targeted sectors include banking, finance, health, oil, and gas.

During the Oracle CloudWorld Tour Abu Dhabi 2023, Al Kuwaiti explained that all attacks are thwarted proactively and efficiently to protect the UAE’s digital sphere. He also noted that the UAE’s advanced digital infrastructure and capabilities effectively counter the malicious cyberattacks that target government authorities.

The council combats cyberattacks according to the country’s information security policies and standards. Al Kuwaiti emphasized that the UAE’s proactive approach ensures that all potential cyber threats are identified and resolved before any damage occurs.

The UAE is widely recognized for its robust cybersecurity infrastructure, ranking fifth in the Global Cybersecurity Index of the International Telecommunication Union of the United Nations. This index measures the awareness of the importance of cybersecurity in 193 countries worldwide.

Al Kuwaiti’s statement highlights the UAE’s continued efforts to enhance its cybersecurity framework to protect its critical national sectors from cyber threats. The banking and financial sectors are primary targets for cyber attackers globally, and the UAE has taken steps to safeguard these sectors by adopting the latest technologies and implementing strict regulations.

The health sector has also become a prime target for cyberattacks due to the increased adoption of digital technologies, which have opened new avenues for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities. The UAE has been proactive in implementing measures to safeguard the health sector’s digital infrastructure, including the use of advanced encryption technologies and access controls.

Similarly, the oil and gas sectors have faced an increasing number of cyberattacks in recent years. These sectors play a crucial role in the country’s economy, and a successful cyberattack could have devastating consequences. To counter these threats, the UAE has implemented strict cybersecurity regulations and invested in advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The UAE’s advanced digital infrastructure, combined with its proactive approach to cybersecurity, has made it a leader in the region. The country has invested heavily in cybersecurity infrastructure, with the aim of making it the safest digital environment in the world. The UAE has also established a strong regulatory framework to ensure that all entities operating within its borders comply with strict cybersecurity regulations.

In conclusion, the UAE’s efforts to combat cyber threats are commendable, and its achievements in the field of cybersecurity are worthy of emulation by other countries. The country’s proactive approach and advanced digital infrastructure have made it a leader in the region, and it is well-positioned to become a global leader in cybersecurity. As cyber threats continue to evolve, the UAE’s commitment to enhancing its cybersecurity framework will ensure that its critical national sectors remain secure and protected from potential cyber attacks.

Al Kuwaiti also noted that the UAE has taken several measures to enhance its cyber defense capabilities, including the establishment of the National Electronic Security Authority (NESA) and the adoption of the UAE Cybersecurity Strategy in 2019. The strategy focuses on five pillars: a cyber-secure nation, a cyber-smart government, cyber-safe citizens, a cyber-secure business environment, and an international leader in cybersecurity.

The strategy aims to build a comprehensive cyber defense system that covers all aspects of the UAE’s digital ecosystem, including critical infrastructure, government institutions, and private entities. The plan also focuses on raising public awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and promoting a culture of cybersecurity among individuals and organizations.

Furthermore, the UAE has been actively cooperating with other countries and international organizations to enhance global cybersecurity. The country has signed several cybersecurity agreements with other nations, including the US, the UK, and Russia, to share information and expertise on cyber threats and to strengthen cybersecurity cooperation.

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