The act of North Korea’s ‘illegal’ missile launch has been strongly condemned by the UAE, who termed it ‘reckless and provocative’.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has strongly condemned the recent ballistic missile launch conducted by North Korea, describing it as “illegal” and “reckless and provocative.” The missiles landed in the sea off the coast of Japan, prompting widespread concern and condemnation from the international community.
The act of North Korea's 'illegal' missile launch has been strongly condemned by the UAE, who termed it 'reckless and provocative'.
The act of North Korea’s ‘illegal’ missile launch has been strongly condemned by the UAE, who termed it ‘reckless and provocative’.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has strongly condemned the recent ballistic missile launch conducted by North Korea, describing it as “illegal” and “reckless and provocative.” The missiles landed in the sea off the coast of Japan, prompting widespread concern and condemnation from the international community.

In a statement to the United Nations (UN) Security Council, the UAE confirmed its solidarity with Japan and expressed its deep concern over the continued provocations by North Korea. Mohamed Abushahab, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative, reaffirmed the UAE’s stance on the matter and called on the international community to take action to prevent further escalation of tensions in the region.

The UAE’s condemnation of the North Korean missile launch highlights its commitment to global peace and security. As a member of the international community, the UAE believes that all nations have a responsibility to uphold the principles of international law and to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other states.

“The UAE strongly condemns this latest provocation by the DPRK,” he said, referring to the intercontinental ballistic missile launch that put the people of Hokkaido, Japan, “in grave danger.”

“In less than one year, the DPRK has launched more than seventy ballistic missiles, including nine ICBMs – each in violation of Security Council resolutions,” he said.

“The UAE remains deeply concerned by the heightened nuclear rhetoric in the region and the prospects that the DPRK will conduct a seventh nuclear test. We call on the DPRK to respect international law, abide by the Security Council’s resolutions, and return to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.”

The UAE’s strong stance on the issue of North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs is in line with its efforts to promote stability and security in the Middle East and beyond. The UAE has long been a key player in the fight against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and has consistently supported international efforts to address these challenges.

“Regrettably, the DPRK continues to prioritise proliferation and escalation over the urgent humanitarian needs of its population,” he said. “We urge the DPRK to cooperate with the UN and the international community, to alleviate the dire humanitarian situation impacting its people, and to allow humanitarian assistance to resume within the country.”

The recent ballistic missile launch by North Korea underscores the need for continued vigilance and cooperation among the international community. The UAE calls on all nations to work together to prevent the proliferation of nuclear and missile technologies and to uphold the principles of international law and human rights.

The UAE’s condemnation of the North Korean missile launch serves as a strong reminder of the importance of promoting peace and stability in the world. The UAE’s unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of international law and human rights is a testament to its leadership and its commitment to building a better future for all. The international community must work together to address the challenges of nuclear and missile proliferation, and to ensure that the world remains a safe and secure place for future generations.

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