UAE’s new Commercial Agency Law ‘offers more flexibility’ on contracts and settling dispute

UAE’s new Commercial Agency Law ‘offers more flexibility’ on contracts and settling dispute
UAE’s new Commercial Agency Law ‘offers more flexibility’ on contracts and settling dispute

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has recently enacted a new Commercial Agency Law that is designed to offer greater flexibility to businesses operating in the country. The new law, which replaces the old Commercial Agencies Regulation of 1985, has been widely praised for its modern approach to commercial agency contracts and its ability to effectively settle disputes between parties.

Allowing 100 per cent foreign ownership across sectors had to be the single biggest reform the UAE has brought into the business and corporate space in the recent past. Because so much of change was brought into play to decades on doing business in a certain way.

The changes don’t end there – a close second would have to be the tweaks the UAE made to the Commercial Agency Law. Tweaks, because rather than wholesale changes to the prevailing eco-system that governs international brands’ relationships with their local partner, the emphasis is on the incremental. And offers greater clarity on other points.

One of the key provisions of the new law is the increased flexibility it provides in terms of the terms and conditions of commercial agency contracts. The law now allows for commercial agency contracts to be tailored to meet the specific needs of each business, rather than being limited to a one-size-fits-all approach. This is expected to greatly benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, as they will now have greater flexibility in negotiating the terms of their contracts.

Another important aspect of the new Commercial Agency Law is its ability to resolve disputes between parties in a more efficient and effective manner. The law now provides a clear process for resolving disputes, which includes mediation, arbitration, and litigation. This is a significant improvement over the previous law, which was often criticized for being unclear and difficult to navigate.

The new Commercial Agency Law also provides greater protection for commercial agents operating in the UAE. Under the old law, commercial agents were often at a disadvantage when it came to negotiating the terms of their contracts, but the new law now provides them with greater bargaining power. This is expected to result in better working conditions for commercial agents and a more level playing field for all parties involved.

In addition, the new Commercial Agency Law also provides for the regulation of commercial agency fees. This is a significant step forward for the UAE, as it will help to ensure that commercial agencies are operating in a fair and transparent manner. The regulation of commercial agency fees is also expected to help to prevent abuses and ensure that the fees charged are reasonable and in line with market rates.

The new Commercial Agency Law in the UAE is a significant step forward for businesses operating in the country. It offers greater flexibility in the terms of commercial agency contracts, provides a clearer process for resolving disputes, and provides greater protection for commercial agents. The law is expected to have a positive impact on the country’s business environment and contribute to the growth of the economy.

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