ACCA’s women in finance expands mission across the region

ACCA's women in finance expands mission across the region
ACCA’s women in finance expands mission across the region
Women in Finance celebrates its launch in Oman, with further events in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain planned alongside an event in the UAE on March 18

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has announced the expansion of its “Women in Finance” initiative across the United Arab Emirates (UAE) region. The program, which was launched in 2020, is aimed at empowering women in the finance sector and promoting gender diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

The expansion of the initiative in the UAE will provide a platform for female finance professionals to connect, collaborate and share best practices, as well as access to training and development opportunities. The program will also work to promote the visibility and representation of women in leadership positions within the finance industry.

“The ACCA Women in Finance initiative has been a huge success globally, and we’re thrilled to bring it to the UAE,” said Sinead Lesaker, Head of ACCA Middle East. “Gender diversity is a key factor in driving innovation and growth in the finance sector, and we’re committed to supporting and empowering women in the industry.”

The expansion of the initiative in the UAE comes at a time when the country is looking to promote gender diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The UAE government has launched a number of initiatives aimed at supporting women in the workplace and increasing their representation in leadership positions.

“The ACCA Women in Finance initiative is a great step forward in promoting gender diversity in the finance sector in the UAE,” said H.E. Lubna Al Qasimi, Minister of State for Tolerance. “We are committed to creating a more inclusive workplace and providing equal opportunities for women, and initiatives like this play a vital role in achieving that goal.”

The ACCA Women in Finance initiative has been well received globally, with thousands of women from across the world participating in events, webinars and networking opportunities. The expansion of the initiative in the UAE will provide even more opportunities for female finance professionals to connect, collaborate and advance their careers.

Fazeela Gopalani, head of ACCA — Middle East, said: “With Women in Finance, ACCA is leveraging the momentum of the UAE’s gender balance agenda to expand women’s participation in leadership roles to 30 per cent by 2025. We aim to increase the representation of women in the workforce, which stands at 25 per cent compared to the 50 per cent global average across the Middle East. While the number of women in finance is growing in the region, it is still far below an even representation. More must be done to ensure that the number of women entering the finance profession continues to grow. This underlines ACCA’s commitment towards socio-economic development by empowering talented female professionals within the financial sector, thus leading as an example for more countries worldwide.”

The ACCA Women in Finance initiative is just one example of the organization’s commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Through its various programs and initiatives, ACCA is working to create a more inclusive and diverse finance sector, where all individuals have the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.

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